There are two sides to life success

The outer side of success is most obvious. It is the accomplishments we see in others and ourselves. Those successes are visible in financial rewards, career advancement, nice homes, expensive cars and other “things.” Outward success is the image of monetary achievement. We all want and deserve this kind of success, but it can be easily lost when changes outside our control happen: illness, loss of a job, a failed marriage, financial market fluctuations, etc.

Recognizing the inner side of success, which includes deep happiness, is the golden key to continued success. Inner success is achieved when we experience an inner peace, happiness and stillness of the mind, no matter what happens in the “physical world.” A Bob Marley quote recently used in Success Magazine states that when challenges have hold of us, inner strength sustains us.

Inner success leads to outward success. When we achieve inner success, we can recover quickly from the fluctuations of outer success. Leadership and communication skills increase and obstacles are eliminated.

To learn how to achieve greater inner and outer success, listen to the Now & Next Radio segment with my interview of, Chinello Haney, former commodities broker, spiritual teacher and entrepreneur. We explore the ancient teachings and tools that lay the foundation for inner and outer success. The path to inner success comes through a specific meditation to silence the mind so we can reach a place of internal peace and intuition. Click here to Listen to Discover your inner voice that determines your success with Chinello Haney.

If you are interested in learning the mediation method that Chinello and I discuss, please reach out to either of us, Chinello Haney, Laurie Althaus. I am also certified to teach The Inner Sound Meditation Process. It’s simple to implement and can be life-changing for business and life. I became certification because I see the power when implemented into my daily practice and now help clients achieve greater success by teaching them.

Your business grows at the pace of your personal growth. When you grow, your business grows.

If you would like to learn how we might work together to achieve your business or personal goals, please reach out.