As I move into 2018 with anticipation, curiosity and resolve I find myself planning how the year will ideally fall out. I abandoned New Year’s Resolutions years ago and have replaced it with My Intention and a Theme of The Year. Intention comes from a deeper place within me and allows factors outside of myself to drive my results.
Over the years I’ve taken on some powerful themes, not realizing the impact they would have. Here are a few I’d like to share with you.
In 2014 I embraced Love as my theme. Interesting, because it required that I not only give love but receive it as well. I was able to let my guard down and be open to receive and to give in a new way. I saw unconditional love begin to truly exhibit itself in my life and work.
In 2015 I chose Vulnerable as my word. Wow, that was an experience! People questioned why I would leave myself open to the perceived weakness and powerlessness of being vulnerable. If you feel that way too, my suggestion is to try vulnerable as your word. You may find that it takes strength to be open to the feelings of insecurity and to step outside of your comfort zone to embrace vulnerable. I grew a great deal that year as a leader and coach. I am stronger and more resilient.
2016 was the year of Curiosity. The themes from prior years allowed me to be more loving and vulnerable so it was a natural progression to be curious. Curiosity required that I be open to possibilities. I also practiced being patient and, as my coach taught me, to be empty. Empty in my coaching practice meant that when I meet with a client I have no agenda (they lead the session), No preconceived notion as to the outcome of the session (the client has the solution and direction within them). Client results and the value they received from our sessions were increased because they were committed to their revelations and plan of change.
2017 was my year of Fun. Okay, I took this one a bit too far. I did have more fun personally, with travel and time off, and took my eye off my business development. I am grateful that referrals continued to sustain me but also needed to adjust mid-course to have fun in business and in my personal life. It’s a balancing act that every business owner juggles. Adjustments are good and helpful when the plan is not working. Which brings me to 2018s theme.
2018 is my year of being Truthful and Bold. Since I was not as focused as I wanted to be on my goals and personal development in 2017, I am stepping into this year with the intention of standing in my truth in a bold way. Bold, as in no fear, no excuses, and doing what is right. I’m called to hold these qualities with my clients and I commit to that. Setting my intention on being true to that commitment in every part of my life has already begun to shift my focus. I’m less stressed, self-assured, and leading from my heart. Clients are experiencing the results of my intention too. I found early in my coaching career that as soon as I moved through my personal obstacles, it opened the door for others to do the same.
I look forward to seeing what 2018 brings for us all. What is your theme for 2018?