When a company is small it is easier to hold to its mission and values.

As the company grows and results depend on the people we hire in to support the mission often it’s the values or core principles that get lost. So, how can you get a company large enough to make a difference while still maintaining your mission and hold to your core values?

A Former Marketing and General Management Executive Shares His Wisdom

Bob Viney is an expert on creating and maintain a value based business. His career weaves through leadership roles where he was at the core of innovation and change. His greatest insights and learning on value based business came from 17 years as Marketing and General Management Executive at P&G. One of his key roles was to lead responsible environmental marketing and claims initiatives for P&G. He led the publication of “When Core Values Are Strategic” book by P&G Alumni Network and authored chapter on my experience in leading turnaround of Tide. Currently, Bob shares his expertise and passion for creating profitable values based businesses as a business and executive coach.

Today Bob will share with us key elements to help every business and executive define the most important values and how to incorporate them into their business. Laurie Fitzgerald Althaus is the founder of Now & Next Radio. She is a 30 year veteran in business ownership and a certified coach. In her role as founder of Now & Next Personal Coaching for Professional she helps her clients connect the dots of all aspects of their life and business. She coaches and trains business owners, executives and their teams on how to live life better.