Winding PathWhy entrepreneurship for you?

Referencing an article I recently read called Do Good and Do Well: 3 Life Lessons For Entrepreneurs, I posed a question to my Tuesday PowerUP call members: Why entrepreneurship for you?

As an entrepreneur, do you want to do good or do well?

Everyone shared their story of how they arrived at this point. A “seed had been planted” within them at some point in their career that led them be more and do more. Some were successful in the corporate world, others tried to make it work but it just didn’t for them. They all wanted happiness for themselves; knowing that those around them would be happier if they were happy. They mustered the willingness and courage to take the uncertain road less traveled with determination to succeed. Every business owner on the call was doing good for others. Most importantly they were doing good for themselves. So, doing good and doing well were interchangeable as the article implies.

Passion is the KEY

The greatest learnings for these entrepreneurs? Passion is key, some are passionate about the product they deliver, some are passionate about creating something better for themselves and their family. The internal passion is similar in all of them. It manifests in different ways. We tapped into a bit of competitiveness with an attitude of “I’m going to figure this thing out!” This is a driving force for most entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs understand that their success is not defined by good luck. Yes, their attitude is positive, but they certainly know that they have to keep their eye on the ball. They have learned that complacency is a sign that change is coming and that they should get out in front of it to have some control of the changes coming. Just as the article states the importance of adjusting your outlook, our PowerUp call members also agreed that adjusting their outlook was key to changing their own course.

Life Lesson No.4 (Our addition to the article)

The greatest achievement of entrepreneurship is not what we create but who we become in that creation. One member offered this quote….

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ― Howard Thurman