by Laurie Fitzgerald Althaus | Mar 19, 2012 | News and Articles |
Inspiration in Times of OverwhelmThis is a great article that one of my clients sent to me with his remarks, remembering that he is not alone in the feelings of overwhelm and bewilderment that accompany entrepreneurial ventures. Opening the door to our dreams...
by Laurie Fitzgerald Althaus | Mar 14, 2012 | News and Articles |
There are times that we all get stuck in our thinking.Your life may be on auto pilot with things going along pretty well and you’re not being challenged.If you stay there too long, you might lose your edge, your confidence wanes and you might question your next...
by Laurie Fitzgerald Althaus | Mar 12, 2012 | News and Articles |
The Specters of the Past Can Haunt UsMistakes made, failed business ventures, marriages, death of a loved one, childhood hurts, and so on.Sometimes, the past represents an ideal we feel we may never attain again―a “Camelot” of our own creation―the perfect relationship...
by Laurie Fitzgerald Althaus | Mar 5, 2012 | News and Articles |
“To Invent, You Need a Good Imagination and a Pile of Junk.” -Thomas A. EdisonThis quote really resonated with me, especially after reflecting on a recent coaching session with a client whom we will call John. John has a very strong vision of success and...